Gophers move into our lawns because are supply to them to feed on [...]
Understanding gopher behavior helps to set the correct gopher traps [...]
The mole and gopher will attempt to remove the trap, hit the trigger and get caught in the trap. [...]
Mounds of fresh soil are the best sign of a gopher's presence. Pocket Gopher problems occur when they form mounds as they dig tunnels and push the loose dirt to the surface. Typically mounds are crescent shaped. Mole mounds are sometimes mistaken for gopher mounds. Mole mounds, however, are more circular in appearance. Unlike gophers, moles commonly burrow just beneath the surface, leaving a raised ridge to mark their path.
We use a combination of gopher and mole traps depending on the tunnel systems that the Moles and Gophers are using. Some traps may be set above ground with the effective end inside the mole or gopher's tunnel system. These traps generally catch the mole or gopher in half a day or less. Some animals are a little harder to work with and require consistent monitoring to catch..
Trapping is the most effective method found to get rid of moles and gophers. Other methods have proven over many decades to be ineffective in removing moles and gophers. Mole traps and Gopher traps placed by professionals can rid your land of these underground pests much faster and efficiently than anything you may be able to find at your local hardware or feed store.
In the spring, summer, and fall, we check traps usually twice a week. During the winter months we may check traps once a week due to weather conditions such as heavy rains, frozen ground or even snow that can slow down the trapping process a bit. For larger properties with heavy gopher infestations we will check the traps as often as twice daily to get a fast start on eliminating gopher populations.
The Camus Pocket gopher as well as ground Moles breed in January and February. These two months are the most important time to control mole populations. Juvenile Gophers are usually first noticed at the beginning of March. These Gophers can remain undetected underground until July. At this time we receive dozens of calls daily. but if conditions are right they have been known to breed several times during the year.
Gophers are active year-round, although you might not see any activity. They also can be active at all hours of the day building tunnels and feeding. Moles are active thorough these times as well. .
Many folks have tried everything from poisons, repellants, solar deterrents and even gassing or explosives. The honest fact is - the only way to rid Mole and Gopher Pests is professional trapping.
Angel's Gopher Trapping uses the most tried and true trapping methods for removing Moles and Gophers from your home gardens, lawns, vineyards and even substantial farm acreage to ensure that these pests do not do any further damage.